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Remote Control Blocker

This circuit was designed to block signals from infrared remote controls. This will prove very useful if your children have the tendency to switch channels all the time. It is also effective when your children aren’t permitted to watch TV as a punishment. Putting the TV on standby and put-ting the remote control out of action can be enough in this case.

Circuit diagram :

Remote Control Blocker-Circuit Diagram

Remote Control Blocker Circuit Diagram

The way in which we do this is very straightforward. Two IR LEDs continuously transmit infrared light with a frequency that can be set between 32 and 41 kHz. Most remote controls work at a frequency of 36 kHz or 38 kHz.

The disruption of the remote control occurs as follows. The ‘automatic gain’ of the IR receiver in TVs, CD players, home cinema systems, etc. reduces the gain of the receiver due to the strong signal from the IR LEDs. Any IR signals from a remote control are then too weak to be detected by the receiver. Hence the equipment no longer ‘sees’ the remote control!

The oscillator is built around a standard NE555. This drives a buffer stage, which provides the current to the two LEDs. Setting up this circuit is very easy. Point the IR LEDs towards the device that needs its remote control blocked. Then pick up the remote control and try it out. If it still functions you should adjust the frequency of the circuit until the remote control stops working.

This circuit is obviously only effective against remote controls that use IR light!


Author : Paul Goossens - Copyright : Elektor


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